Yi-Xiong Gu Zen Art Master

Yi-Xiong Gu Zen Art Master
六字真言-梵文为ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ,英文翻译为Om Mani Padme Hum,汉字音译为唵(an)、嘛(ma)、呢(ni)、叭(ba)咪(mei)吽(hong)


Yi-Xiong Gu Zen Ink Painting 古藝雄畫師乙未作品選

Mr. Yi-Xiong Gu, the President of World Zen Art Center, co-director of China Zen Art Academy. Mr. Gu specializes in Chinese ink landscape and Zen paintings. His ambition and life goal is to establish an international Zen Art development to ensure Zen Art's prosperity and appreciation for generations to come.